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市場推廣負責人Marketing Manager




北京市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人數:1 人

崗位職責:1.市場推廣策略的分析與制定:負責分析國內外教育市場趨勢,制定與學校發展相適應的推廣策略,為學校市場推廣活動提供有力、全面的數據支撐與推廣建議。2.品牌形象塑造:通過創意策劃、活動組織、媒體傳播等方式,打造學校獨特的品牌形象,提升學校在目標市場的知名度和美譽度。3.新媒體內容包裝與渠道運營:針對學校公眾號、網站、小紅書、視頻號、抖音等自媒體,從策劃、制作、宣傳、發布內容進行全面統籌,同時負責學校對外宣傳材料的制定與審核(如宣傳冊、宣傳折頁、校刊 雜志、校門宣傳欄、宣傳片等)。通過精準定位和內容策劃,有效傳達學校的品牌形象和核心價值。4. 合作資源開發與維護:拓寬、跟進現有線下、線上合作客戶,開發新資源。維護并拓展媒體關系、宣傳渠道并對相關數據進行收集、統計及整理。與各類教育機構、行業組織、媒體等建立并保持緊密合作關系,共同開展市場推廣活動,擴大學校的影響力。5. 支持并協助學校其它部門工作:參與組織各類活動(擇校展、音樂會、對外交 流活動等),并進行系列報道。協助完成招生目標及相關工作,利用不同的社交媒介發布相關招生的信息。任職要求:?1. 教育、市場營銷或相關專業本科及以上學歷,英文流利,能作為工作語言。具備相關市場推廣經驗,熟悉國內外教育市場,對教育有深入了解和研究。2.熟練掌握各種市場推廣工具,有全面運營、管理新媒體平臺的經驗,具備出色的文字表達能力和內容策劃能力。3.有較強的創造性思維能力與創新概念,對推廣及傳播工作有極大的熱情,喜歡接觸新鮮事物,迎接各種挑戰,具備良好的抗壓能力和執行能力。4. 具有良好的團隊合作能力及敬業精神,善于溝通和帶領團隊。能夠帶領團隊高效完成工作任務,并與不同部門和合作伙伴建立良好的合作關系。?Responsibilities:1. Analysis and formulation of marketing strategies: Analyze trends in the domestic and international education market, devise suitable promotional strategies aligned with the school's development, and provide strong, comprehensive data support and promotional suggestions for the school's marketing activities.2. Brand image shaping: Utilize creative planning, event organization, and media communication to establish a unique brand image for the school, enhancing its visibility and reputation in the target market.3. New media content packaging and channel operation: Coordinate planning, production, promotion, and release of content for the school's public accounts, website, platforms such as Xiaohongshu, video platforms, and Douyin. Responsible for developing and reviewing external promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, magazines, campus bulletin boards, promotional videos, etc.). Through precise positioning and content planning, effectively convey the school's brand image and core values.4. Development and maintenance of cooperative resources: Expand and follow up with existing offline and online cooperative clients, develop new resources, and maintain and expand media relations and promotional channels while collecting, analyzing, and organizing relevant data. Establish and maintain close cooperation with various educational institutions, industry organizations, media, etc., to jointly carry out marketing activities and expand the school's influence.5. Support and assist other departments of the school: Participate in organizing various activities (school fairs, concerts, external exchange activities, etc.) and conduct series reports. Assist in achieving enrollment targets and related tasks by utilizing various social media platforms to disseminate enrollment information.Requirements:1. Bachelor's degree or above in education, marketing, or related fields, fluent in English, with the ability to use it as a working language. Possess relevant marketing experience, familiar with domestic and international education markets, and have an in-depth understanding and research on education.2. Proficient in various marketing tools, with experience in comprehensive operation and management of new media platforms, excellent writing and content planning skills.3. Strong creative thinking and innovative concepts, passionate about promotional and communication work, enjoy exploring new things, embrace challenges, and have good stress resistance and execution ability.4. Excellent teamwork and dedication, adept at communication and lead teams. Able to efficiently lead the team to complete tasks and establish good cooperation with different departments and partners.

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

北京東岸BEAM音樂實驗學校(原中央音樂學院鼎石實驗學校),創辦于2012年,是國內最早音樂特色的全日制中學,以嚴謹的治學態度和精益求精的辦學理念打造世界頂尖學府的預備音樂人才。經過12年的發展,學校目前已建立完整的教學體系,不僅有專業、系統、國際化的音樂課程,還有針對音樂學生特點的文化課學習,目的是培養多元化人才。課程設置依據學生特點因材施教,為他們未來順利考入國內外一流音樂學院、綜合大學及文理學院奠定堅實的理論基礎。我校作為全國首個開設AP音樂理論(AdvancedPlacement Music Theory)課程學校,受到美國大學理事會(CollegeBoard)的高度關注和重視,AP音樂理論及室內樂專業課程由具備國際頂尖水準的音樂家采用雙語教學,使學生在學習西方音樂知識及 AP音樂理論的同時能迅速掌握國際音樂專用術語。將畢業生輸送到世界各地的著名音樂大學、綜合類大學,在北京乃至全國,有著非常好的口碑及影響力。我們的愿景:致力于世界文化與藝術的傳播與融合,成為藝術類國際學校首選品牌作為教育工作者,我們給予信任與尊重,以便您在課堂實踐中發揮所長并不斷提高。加盟中音鼎石,您將于所有教學人員一起攜手打造全新的教育模式,希望聘用的教師能夠投身于本校創建發展的長久事業,并能夠成為尊重他人的傾聽者和協作者。Founded in 2012, Beijing Eastbank Academy of Music (formerly known as the Central Conservatory Preparatory School) is one of the earliest full-time secondary schools in China with a focus on music. It is dedicated to nurturing the world's top-tier musicians of tomorrow through a rigorous academic approach and a philosophy of continuous improvement. Over the course of 12 years, the school has established a comprehensive educational system, offering professional, systematic, and international music programs alongside academic studies tailored to the unique needs of music students, with the aim of cultivating diverse talents. The curriculum is customized to each student's individual abilities, laying a solid theoretical foundation for their successful admission into prestigious music conservatories, universities, and liberal arts colleges both domestically and abroad.Our vision is to be dedicated to the dissemination and integration of world cultures and arts, aspiring to be the preferred brand among international art schools. As educators, we provide trust and respect, empowering you to excel and improve within the classroom setting. By joining Beijing Eastbank Academy of Music, you will collaborate with all teaching staff to forge a new educational paradigm. We hope that the teachers we recruit will commit to the school's long-term development and become respectful listeners and collaborators.






