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1994年 康新國際進入上海
1998年 康新國際進入北京
2004年 上??敌卤本┓止境闪?br/>2004年 上海康新蘇州分公司成立
2006年 上海康新廣州分公司成立
2008年 上??敌鲁啥挤止境闪?br/>

edg (China) Corporation Ltd. evolved from its beginning as the Environetics Design Group International Inc. (edg) in 2010, and was invested by the same group in the British Virgin Islands in 2001. edg has since focused on the interior decoration business, including: interior design, construction, customized furniture and MEP installation.
edg has filled its ranks with design and construction professionals from the United States, Europe, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China to build a world-class team to provide professional service to its clients. edg's team has gone through the following stages of growth:
1994 - edg international was set up in Shanghai
1998 - edg international was set up in Beijing
2004 - edg Beijing office established
2004 - edg Suzhou office established
2006 - edg Guangzhou office established
2008 - edg Chengdu office established

edg is currently a group specialized in the interior design and construction of corporate offices, commercial spaces, boutiques, financial facilities and medical facilities. edg has the capability of bringing the most suitable design and most current building methodologies and technologies to each project based on its rich experience in design and construction.
edg is devoted to enhancing the value between human and spatial environments and to be a first-class enterprise bringing new standards to the industry. Through superior design and construction quality services throughout the China Mainland, edg builds environmentally healthy, comfortable and over-fulfilling spaces for its clients.
Thanks to its diversity and international experience, edg is sensitive to the cultural differences of its clients, providing efficient and effective high quality solutions. edg employees believe in the philosophy of being “committed to the ongoing quest for excellence.”
We invite you to contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with your future building projects.
帶薪年假 績效獎金 五險一金 技能培訓 管理規范 旅游 團隊聚餐 彈性工作 定期體檢 重視人才培養 提倡綠色節能 開放式管理