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信息技術支持主管 IT Support Supervisor




杭州市 | 本科 | 1年以下

招聘人數:1 人

公司簡介:惠靈頓中國杭州校區座落于杭州蕭山科技城的國際教育園,包括杭州市蕭山區惠立學校和杭州外籍人員子女學校。學校有一套完善的幸福關懷體系貫穿各個學段,為學生提供全人教育,使其能在未來茁壯成長。崗位要求:1.計算機相關專業,桌面運維經驗2.英語流利,可與外籍溝通3.工作積極主動, 有責任心,仔細,有耐心4.努力好學,良好的服務精神/意識5.有外資企業/學校從業經驗優先6.五年以上相關工作經驗福利待遇:1.20天年假,雙休,法定假日不調休,額外學校假期福利;2.五險一金,額外的商業醫保,公積金繳納比例12%;3.年度體檢,免費員工班車,工作日免費午餐;4.國際化工作環境,扁平化管理;工作職責:1. 作為員工請求 IT 支持的聯系人。 為所有團隊成員提供熱情好的個性化服務,高效有效地管理請求; 2. 提供IT支持,包括一般培訓、硬件維護和維修以及軟件管理。3. 作為結構化計劃的一部分并根據需要為員工提供培訓和支持,以確保用戶能夠有效地利用 IT 服務。4. 為開發環境的 IT 服務提供持續的支持和指導,包括與 IT 經理保持聯絡。5. 負責幫助臺和相關流程的日常運行詳情請見下方英文版崗位職責KEY RESPONSIBILITIES?Act as the first point of contact for staff in requesting IT support. Provide warm and welcoming personal service to all team members and manage requests efficiently and effectively e.g. by implementation of a ticketing system.?Provide IT support including general training, maintaining hardware and management of software.?Provide training and support for staff as part of a structured programme and on a needs basis to ensure users can effectively utilise IT services.?Provide ongoing support and guidance to developing IT services for the school, including liaising with the IT Manager。General Responsibilities?To take responsibility for the day-to-day running of helpdesk and associated processes including proactively:a)coordinate all help desk tickets of the schoolb)management of school devicesc)support the Academic and non-academic teams with their administrative tasks and communicationsd)provide exemplary service to all students, staff and parentse)Diagnose problems with various terminals, including, but not limited to, systems and networks?manage the dedicated helpdesk, providing an innovative, welcoming environment for all?manage the procurement, tagging and deployment of all ICT assetsIT Project Management for the setting1)Liaise with the IT Manager, headmaster, and the wider team in an effective and efficient manner, keeping the team abreast of on-going issues, work priorities and progress2)Provide the Academic and Non-Academic Teams with general administration and support3)Manage hardware procurement and deployment, liaising with vendors and key stakeholders4)Provide initial point of contact for school staff, students, parents and vendorsOrganisation of IT services?Coordinate daily processes and procedures to address ICT requests from staff, students and their parents?Develop and monitor mechanisms for prioritising and managing ICT requests proactively and in a timely, well-communicated manner?Coordinate the ticketing system including the al**** of tickets to staff, ensuring on high-level communication and ticket prioritisation?Ensure the ready availability of help desk resources (e.g. spare parts, replacement computers, other consumables)?Coordinate vendor service, insurance, warranty items and associated documentation and approval processes?Pro-actively coordinate the schools asset management system, including accuracy in the provisioning of all ICT equipment?Liaise with the schools vendors in the supply and maintenance of hardware, software, and supportService level agreement?Foster a culture of proactivity, responsiveness and service orientation?Provide information, advice and assistance to key ICT stakeholders?Maintain high level communication across all ICT functions within the school ensuring the stakeholders are kept abreast of developments in the ICT department and their impact on staff, pupils and parents Manage the responsiveness of the team, prioritising and processing of walk-in, phone and ticket requests in a timely and efficient manner?Document and maintain visibility of vendors meeting their SLA agreements?Provide monthly reports as required e.g.: breakages, warranty claims, etc.?Monitoring and escalation of network and systemsHealth and Safety practices?Practice safe operating procedures when handling equipment?Current and continuing commitment to Equal Opportunity and Occupational Safety and Health/Workplace Health & Safety in all aspects of employment and service delivery?Other duties as assigned by the School Headmaster?Actively participate in any related training held by the setting.

學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:1年以下
年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
公司性質:其它 公司規模:100-499人

杭州惠立學校坐落于杭州市蕭山區科技城,是惠靈頓中國集團旗下的雙語學校,包括惠立學校及惠立幼兒園。杭州校區成立于2018年,致力于在浙江省課程大綱基礎上,融合惠靈頓價值觀與特質,為2到18歲學生提供一流品質的雙語教育。實現惠立獨特的教育理念,充分激發學生的求知欲及對學習的熱忱?;萘W校將讓高品質的教育惠及家庭,以“愛”為源,以“德”為本,為社會培養符合時代需求的、秉承優良傳統價值觀并具有五大惠立特質的軟技能人才。 惠靈頓外籍子女學校杭州校區與杭州惠立學校共同建立于2018年,為從2至18歲的外籍子女提供優質的國際化教學。兩所學校共享同一校區。 更多信息請參見學校官網:惠立學校惠立幼兒園惠靈頓






