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1984年,Mr.Fa Park先生從韓國來到美國追求事業的夢想,一次在紐約街頭的公共汽車上,看到了一位女士在出租車上涂指甲油的窘態(每一個紅綠燈之間開始拋磨指甲,并舉晃雙手晾干),Park先生想知道為什么世界各地的女性都要單一的使用刷子涂抹指甲油,這便激發了他要發明一款具有粘性的,無需等待晾干的甲油膜的想法。1988年,這個終將改變人類美甲歷史發展進程的產品正式開始研發,歷經[]20多年的潛心研究與創新發展,Park先生終于創立了INCOCO——一家位于美國新澤西克利夫頓的世界上第一個純甲油膜制造商!


Human’s pursuit of beauty never stops, especially female’s pursuit of beauty which has come to the degree of obsession. They constantly explore new possibilities to achieve beauty. Wide varieties of clothing accessories, beautiful and charming makeup already cant satisfy women’s eagerness for beauty any more. In the long river of womens pursuit of beauty, there is a piece of the most dazzling gem - INCOCO, which makes women crazy, especially for their nails. INCOCO can create amazing and unsurpassed beauty.
Nails are the best part of the hand. Sexy and bright-colored red long nails are easy to make men fall into a reverie tidy and beautiful nails can immediately give people the feeling of trust fine and slim fingers are as important as the face for modern women. Can you imagine that the concept of nail- caring has a history of thousands of years? In fact, protection and decoration of nails and hands has been the symbol of social status since the ancient times. No matter in what age, owning slender and luxuriant nails is often a symbol of wealth, rank and quality life.
In?1984,?Fa?Park?came?to?the?United?States?from?Korea to pursue his dream career, while?on?a?bus?in?New?York?City?he?noticed?the?struggle?of?a?woman?in?a?cab?trying?to?paint?her?nails.?As?he?saw?her?quickly?brushing?polish?on?her?nails?at?every?stoplight?and?trying?to?blow?her?nails?dry,?he?wondered?why?women?all?over?the?world?had?to?use?a?brush?to?apply?nail?polish.?This?sparked?his?idea?to?invent?self-stick?nail?polish?strips?that?didnt?require?any?dry?time?or?hassle?of?application. The research of the product which will change the historical development process of nail care starts in 1988, after more than 20 years of painstaking research and innovation development, Mr. Park, finally established INCOCO -located in Clifton, New Jersey-the first cosmetics company to manufacture and produce nail polish strips.
As the worlds only revolutionary polish strips, Incoco has 32 international patent technologies. It becomes quickly popular in the United States, France, Britain, Japan, Korea and more than 20 countries and regions in just a few years , getting into each big top shows in the world and becoming the darling of numerous global stars. Incoco has become a veritable world nail trend setter!
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