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Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering, which is located in Switzerland as headquarters.
Now in China, Endress+Hauser is the market leader for the automation instruments. With the development of more than 20 years, E+H has set up Sales Centers in Shanghai and Production Centers in Suzhou Industrial Park are manufacturing a wide range of industry automation instrumentation: Level, Pressure, Flow, Water Analysis, Temperature, etc.
In order to support all kinds of sophasticated IT requirement, Endress+Hauser InfoServe was founded as the professional IT service provider of the E+H Group - offers custom-made informatics solutions and applications to all affiliated companies to support their daily work.
Within the daily work InfoServe covers the global support and project implementation of applications in the SAP & Salesforce environment and the E+H Intranet ENGINE. E+H InfoServe even plans, realizes and operates the local area networks of the Group companies and takes care for its availability by remote monitoring and maintenance.
In 2007, InfoServe Shanghai Representative Office was founded in order to cover the local IT requirement for production centers and sales centers in Asia Pacific area like Australia, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipines, Vietnam and Hongkong. In 2013, Endress+Hauser InfoServe (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in order to meet the continously increased requirement in the Asian region.

旅游 定期體檢 績效獎金 帶薪年假 交通補助 通訊津貼 午餐補助 技能培訓 免費班車 五險一金 團隊聚餐 崗位晉升 車輛津貼 節日禮物 管理規范 扁平管理