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MSA China

In 1987, MSA established the first joint venture in the safety industry of China at Wuxi, China. In 2003, MSA set up its China Headquarter in Shanghai. In September 2008, a new manufacturing plant and R&D center with a planned total investment of USD 38 million went into operation at Suzhou to meet the fast growth of MSA China.

The business of MSA China has been achieving an over 30% year-on-year growth rate since 2003. MSA China is now one of the largest manufacturer and supplier of safety equipment & solutions in China. Its business has been extended to 36 of the 38 provinces of China including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

The newly established R&D center has a plan to employ 100 engineers by 2011. The R&D center is housed in a world-class facility and has invested in full-range of engineering equipment and advanced laboratories. It is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and cutting-edge safety equipment R&D facility in China. This R&D center is a key member of the MSA global R&D network. The MSA China engineering team is working and collaborating with their counter-parts in U.S and Europe in developing safety equipment for the global market.

The mission of MSA China is:
-MSA China is the most preferred & ethical supplier of safety equipment & solutions in China
-MSA China becomes one of the MSA global manufacturing centers
-MSA China becomes a member of the MSA global R&D network
-MSA China is the best company to work for in the safety industry in China
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