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榮格集團在中國的業務發展可以追溯至20世紀90年代初。集團目前與中國出版方合作的消費者刊物包括美食廚藝生活月刊《貝太廚房(中外食品工業)》、英文城市娛樂雙周刊《City Weekend(城市周報)》、英文家庭雜志《Shanghai Family(上海家庭)》、國內唯一覆蓋全航線的機艙內雜志《中國民航》等,以及由這些刊物所衍生的互動網站、在線視頻、手機和平板電腦應用、電子雜志、線下活動、圖書、定制出版等多媒體產品和服務。此外,公司還運營數個定位獨特的互聯網產品,如國內著名英文社區網站www.shanghaiexpat.com、以及寵物社交網站www.chongsifang.com。榮格集團目前在中國的員工總數已超過400人,在上海、北京、廣州、香港等中國主要城市設有業務分支。

Ringier is a diversified media enterprise operating in 14 countries and employing some 7,500 people. Established in 1833, Ringier today operates media brands in the print, TV, radio, online and mobile arenas. The company also runs successful publishing, entertainment and internet businesses. Now in operation for more than 180 years, Ringier is noted for its pioneering spirit and individuality and is committed to independence, freedom of expression and diversity of information. Ringier is a family-owned company whose headquarters are in Zurich.

Ringier set its foot in the China market in early 1990s. In cooperation with its publishing partners in China, Ringier (China) publishes a range of popular consumer titles such as the “Betty’s Kitchen” monthly cooking magazine, the “City Weekend” bi-weekly English city lifestyle magazine, the “Shanghai Family” monthly parenting magazine, the “CAAC” inflight monthly magazine, as well as the multimedia line extensions for these publications such as websites, online video programs, mobile applications, digital magazines, events, books, and custom publishing service. The company also runs the leading expatriate online portal www.shanghaiexpat.com and the pet dating website www.chongsifang.com . Ringier has business operations in major cities in China, including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, with a total number of over 400 employees.
帶薪年假 交通補助 通訊津貼 旅游 定期體檢 管理規范 五險一金